Looking about at our neater space, we can feel a certain satisfaction that we feel rooted to the space around us, bringing us comfort and a feeling of faith in ourselves. By reducing the clutter, we reduce the things that do not matter, focusing instead on meaning, purpose and ultimately a feeling of contentment. When we begin to feel as though we are back on the right track, we want our home to be tidier, neater. After a separation, we re-do our bedroom as a way to reclaim the space. We can begin to organize and “build the nest” when we are expecting a baby, just like we can re-organize rooms during our empty nest phase. Our homes are often a reflection of how we feel inside as a result, it is often part of our human experience to adjust our environment with life changing events. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German. Just as their effort to organize their own lives has fallen to the wayside. English to Spanish translation results for deeper meaning designed for tablets and mobile devices. They will admit that their houses have been neglected, that they have stopped putting effort into the organization of their everyday environment. It is interesting to me how many clients, when having achieved a sense of movement forward, will often begin by cleaning their homes of its clutter.

“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are full of yesterday’s clutter.” – Louise SmithĪlthough I suspect that the deeper meaning of this quote is about how being stuck in our past can hinder our future, I like the quote for its tangible reference to clutter.